ESPN The Magazine (5-month introductory offer)
ESPN The Magazine (5-month introductory offer) Reviews
Like a previous reviewer, I subscribed to this magazine solely for the access to ESPN Insider. Instead of paying $6.99/month for Insider, $14.99 gets me a year of ESPN Insider, along with a year of the magazine. As for the magazine itself, it's sort of a high-energy, exciting, layout-filled sports page. The tone of it is far from serious, as it is filled with jokes and sarcasm (not necessarily a bad thing.) But if you're looking for a well-written magazine with insightful articles, stick to Sports Illustrated. If you simply want a colorful magazine filled with cool sports information (and your ESPN Insider access), go ahead and get this. I did, and I look forward to renewing it in a few months. In fact, just for the ESPN Insider, I'm raising my rating from three to four stars.. this is my ESPN The Magazine (5-month introductory offer) reviewsESPN The Magazine (5-month introductory offer) Specs
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ESPN The Magazine (5-month introductory offer) Best buy
ESPN The Magazine (5-month introductory offer). ESPN The Magazine (5-month introductory offer) will.. (Read More)
ESPN The Magazine (5-month introductory offer),
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