Thursday, 9 May 2013

Mental Floss best price

Mental Floss

Mental Floss

Mental Floss Reviews

In an age of books "for dummies" and "complete idiots," Mental Floss is a magazine that makes you "feel smart again." Let's face it, some of those "dummies" books are pretty good, but you wouldn't display them in your home or read them on the train. By contrast, I openly read Mental Floss in public and place the latest issue on my coffee table. The magazine combines a cheeky sense of humor with a wealth of information. I loved the recent "Y Files issue." "Why is yawning contagious?" "Why do people yell `Geronimo' before jumping?" "Why does the United States print $2 bills?" Mental Floss delivers the answers. Trivial pursuit may leave you wondering "why" about an answer, but Mental Floss never does. The current "swimsuit issue" is a blast. It's not exactly titillating, but it is stimulating. The sight of Einstein and Eleanor Roosevelt in swimwear is enough to turn your attention to the articles. There's no magazine I'd recommend more highly. . this is my Mental Floss reviews
Mental Floss

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. Mental Floss
Mental Floss Best buy
Mental Floss
. Mental Floss will.. (Read More)

Mental Floss

9 out of 10 based on 64 ratings

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