People (1-year auto-renewal)
People (1-year auto-renewal) Reviews
I've been reading People Magazine since the early 80s, so I know I'm not in the demographic they're aiming at any more. It's turned into LOTS and LOTS of reality TV coverage of non-actors, along with very young new actors and musicians, with very limited coverage of established actors. It seems to me they cover a smaller range of people than they used to. I'm telling myself that I"m not going to renew my subscription, but I'm still reading every issue, just skipping the articles about people from shows I would never watch. Their reviews of books and movies are perhaps worth the price of the magazine, and aren't available on their website. If you're interested in reality TV and very young actors and pop musicians, you'll love this mag.. this is my People (1-year auto-renewal) reviewsPeople (1-year auto-renewal) Specs
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People (1-year auto-renewal) Best buy
People (1-year auto-renewal). People (1-year auto-renewal) will.. (Read More)
People (1-year auto-renewal),
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