Zoobooks Reviews
We first ran across a Zoobook magazine in the gift shop section at Smoky Mountains National Park. I bought one for my then six year old younger son. He became so involved in it, and so excited, that when we got home I immediately subscribed, and the subscription continued for quite a few years. Now he is out of college and working full time...and still has ALL his Zoobooks in a case, sealed up, in my house. That says something, I think, with all the books and magazines my kids were given over the years. I do NOT know how the current issues are, but am subscribing for my 6 yr old and 4 yr old grandsons, the sons of my elder son. The older boy is currently REALLY into dinosaurs, and I recall with my son's subscription, there were quite a few that covered dinosaurs, as well as current animals, birds and so on. I know the price is high compared to many other children's magazines out there, but I think it is worth it IF they are what they were approximately 20 years ago! At that time they were head and shoulders in quality above every other childrens' magazine about nature, animals, and so on, or at least until the child is old enough to read the adult version of National Geographic magazine! Very highly recommended!. this is my Zoobooks reviewsZoobooks Specs
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Zoobooks. Zoobooks will.. (Read More)
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