Vanity Fair (1-year auto-renewal)
Vanity Fair (1-year auto-renewal) Reviews
Vanity Fair has undergone a major transformation in the last several years from magazine geared towards women to a monthly that appeals to a much broader audience. The writing has gotten consistently better as well, though the occasional article will be little more than fluff. Photography is always lush, with the art world's top talent contributing beautiful done shots of major stars. Issues like Young Hollywood, or New Music Stars are fantastic, and every issue is something fresh and interesting. In any given month we get a star showcase on the cover. Recent months have seen Lindsay Lohan, Sandra Bullock, and Hilary Swank. Interviews with these stars are fascinating because they invariably reveal more than they expect to. A recent interview with Sheryl Crow revealed the best of Vanity Fair, an intelligent, emotional, and honest interview that reveals a lot about Sheryl. The acccompanying photography is simply gorgeous. Every month has a rambling diary from the frequently tiresome Dominic Dunne (yes Dom, we get it, you know everyone.), a hard hitting political piece, and a expose on the past of politics, hollywood, or society. The articles are mostly great stuff, but with some clunkers in every issue. Every time I receive an issue, I know there will be articles that will fascinate me. Friends use to claim that Vanity Fair was a girl's magazine. Well, its not just for women anymore. That being said, don't just order here. Go to their website and to the subscription inserts in the magazine itself, compare the prices, and request that a billing notice be sent to you instead of paying with a credit card. This way when your subscription is up for renewal, you have the opportunity to cancel without your card being charged. Often times sites like this one utilize a third party service that contracts with the various magazines, your payment goes to them and they auto-renew you. I find it easier to do it through the magazine themselves. Saves me the trouble, and invariably, the magazine comes a lot quicker.. this is my Vanity Fair (1-year auto-renewal) reviewsVanity Fair (1-year auto-renewal) Specs
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Vanity Fair (1-year auto-renewal) Best buy
Vanity Fair (1-year auto-renewal). Vanity Fair (1-year auto-renewal) will.. (Read More)
Vanity Fair (1-year auto-renewal),
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