Reader's Digest (1-year auto-renewal)
Reader's Digest (1-year auto-renewal) Reviews
This publication isn't what it used to be. I am 32 years old and for my entire (yes entire) life my family has subscribed to the Reader's Digest. It is the perfect ahem... restroom reading material because it contains short, well written stories that are either amusing, thought provoking, heart warming (or a combination of all three). Now, every other page - literally - is an advertisement for a pharmaceutical product of some kind. The first thing I do when I receive my monthly copy is I rip out the ads. In doing so I'm usually left with LESS THAN HALF of the pages I started with. I feel like I'm paying for a monthly subscription to pharmaceutical ads. "Now, That's Outrageous!" I'm so sad and disappointed. I won't be renewing my subscription next year and I feel like I've lost a lifelong friend. I hope my review helps you in your decision.. this is my Reader's Digest (1-year auto-renewal) reviewsReader's Digest (1-year auto-renewal) Specs
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Reader's Digest (1-year auto-renewal) Best buy
Reader's Digest (1-year auto-renewal). Reader's Digest (1-year auto-renewal) will.. (Read More)
Reader's Digest (1-year auto-renewal),
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