National Geographic Little Kids
National Geographic Little Kids Reviews
Having received 6 issues now, I am very impressed with NG Little Kids. Each issue is 24 pgs long, of which 19 of them containing high quality photos (as opposed to drawings). It is packed with activities: a page or two on questioning animal behavior, figuring out rhymes, finding differences and similarities, naming close-up shots, matching big and small items, counting, solving a maze, finding animals within a scene, and imagining what an animal in a photo is thinking. Not only is there a short article detailing one animal but usually there is also one on a society culture (i.e. Africa, China, India), which most kids' magazines lack. A few pages are dedicated to science exploration, craft, and cooking. Every issue also has six tear-out cards of animals with an animal fact on the back of each. Even though it is geared to toddlers and preschoolers, this magazine interests all of my kids, ages 6, 4 and 1 (but really the best for ages 3-4). Best of all, except for a tear-out subscription postcard, there are no ads (unlike NG Kids). This magazine is better than National Wildlife Federation's Wild Animal Baby. As mentioned in a previous review, buy it direct from National Geographic to save money. The only thing I can think of to improve the magazine is to have more issues per year and maybe sturdier/thicker pages.. this is my National Geographic Little Kids reviewsNational Geographic Little Kids Specs
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National Geographic Little Kids Best buy
National Geographic Little Kids. National Geographic Little Kids will.. (Read More)
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